On 2011-12-14 10:46, Gour wrote:
On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 09:45:51 +0100
Jacob Carlborg<d...@me.com>  wrote:

The few times I've contributed to the compiler I've sent a patch or a
pull request and the end result is that nothing happens. If I'm lucky
I get a few comments, I answer them and then nothing.

Heh, then fork it. ;)

I've already done that. But it's time consuming to keep up with the changes in upstream.

Well, the situation is that resources in D are still not everwhelming
and every bit spent on D1, means less time for D2.

Moreover, D2 brings features which makes embracing D much more
compelling. OK, I was not here in the time of D1, but seeing D1's
feature list, I wouldn't think it is so special to invest in learning&
using it.

Another thing is I believe that Walter didn't delve in designing new
language in order to be used for small hobby projects.

Can you give me a list of some successful open-source projects written
in D1 and/or some proprietary ones?

I don't know if all of them are successful but important: Tango, DWT, Minid, Orange, DVM, xfbuild to mention a few.

Is there demand of paying support for D1?

If not and if Walter prefers spending time on D2, I really do not
understand why there is so much whining about it.

If D1 wants to keep it, they're, afaict, free to do it.

Is there anyone who can prevent Walter to write a post saying: "I'm fed up
with D community being busy with faultfinding all the time, not being
grateful for the time&  effort I'm putting into it, so from TODAY I'm
quitting all the work on D1&  D2 and will focus on designing new X


I remember him from Zortech C++ compiler which was my *first* commercial
package I bought and remembering the set of manuals coming along in a
greyish hard box, I was thrilled with all support I got...same with

Now he is working for free...


/Jacob Carlborg

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