On 12/16/11 5:50 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, December 16, 2011 17:13:49 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Maybe there's an issue with the design. Maybe Singleton (the most damned
of all patterns) is not the best choice here. Or maybe the use of an
inheritance hierarchy with a grand total of 4 classes. Or maybe the
encapsulation could be rethought.

The general point is, a design lives within a language. Any language is
going to disallow a few designs or make them unsuitable for particular
situation. This is, again, multiplied by the context: it's the standard

I don't know what's wrong with singletons.


Second paragraph.

It's a great pattern in certain
circumstances. In this case, it avoids unnecessary allocations every time that
you do something like Clock.currTime(). There's no reason to keep allocating
new instances of LocalTime and wasting memory. The data in all of them would
be identical. And since the time zone has to be dynamic, it requires either a
class or function pointers (or delegates). And since multiple functions are
involved per time zone, it's far cleaner to use class. It has the added
benefit of giving you a nice place to do stuff like ask the time zone its name.
So, I don't see what could be better than using classes for the time zones
like it does now. And given the fact that it's completely unnecessary and
wasteful to allocate multiple instances of UTC and LocalTime, it seems to me
that the singleton pattern is exactly the correct solution for this problem.

You're using a stilted version of it. Most often the singleton object is created lazily upon the first access, whereas std.datetime creates the object (and therefore shotguns linkage with the garbage collector) even if never needed.

But what I'm trying here is to lift the level of discourse. The Singleton sounds like the solution of choice already presupposing that inheritance and polymorphism are good decisions. What I'm trying to say is that D should be rich enough to allow you considerable freedom in the design space, so we should have enough means to navigate around this one particular issue. I don't think we can say with a straight face we can't avoid use of static this inside std.datetime.

There would be fewer potential issues with circular dependencies if
std.datetime were broken up, but the consensus seems to be that we don't want
to do that. Regardless, if I find a way to lazily load the singletons in spite
of immutable and pure, then there won't be any more need for the static
constructors for them. There's still one for the unit tests, but worse comes
to worst, that functionality could be moved to a function which is called by
the first unittest block.

Maybe the choice of immutable and pure is too restrictive. How about making the object returned const?

But what's the appropriate order then? :o)

It doesn't matter. The static constructors in std.datetime has no dependencies
on other modules at all aside from object and the core module which holds the
declaration for tzset. In neither case does it depend on any other static
constructors. In my experience, that's almost always the case. But because of
how circular dependencies are treated, the compiler/runtime considers it a
circular dependency as soon as two modules which import each other directly -
or worse, indirectly - both have module constructors, regardless of whether
there is anything even vaguely interdependent about those static constructors
and what they initialize. So, you're forced to move stuff into other modules,
and in some cases (such as when pure or immutable is being used), that may not

Under what circumstances it doesn't work, and how would adding _more_ support for _less_ safety would be better than a glorified cast that you can use _today_?

Clearly, I'm not going to win any arguments on this, given that both you and
Walter are definitely opposed, but I definitely think that the current situation
with circular dependencies is one of D's major warts.

I'm not nailed to the floor. Any good arguments would definitely change my opinion.


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