On 12/18/2011 01:09 AM, Ruslan Mullakhmetov wrote:
Hi all,

I want to ask you about D future, i mean next big iteration of D and
propose some new feature, agent-based programming. Currently, after
introducing C++11 i see the only advantages of D over C++11 except
syntax sugare is garbage collector and modules.

C++11 does not change the relation between D and C++ a lot. Why do you think it does?

I recentrly attended student school (workshop) on multi-agent systems
(MAS)and self-organizing sysetems. I was really impressed and thought
that this probably is the silver bullet which Brucks declared to be
absent. I mean agent-based programming as foundation of self-organzing
systems. If you are interested you can find a lot of information by

So I would like to get your feedback to introduce new paradigm, paradigm
of agent programming into D.

Actually, I'm not deep into MAS, but as far as i know it's just
autonomous class, i.e. class that has it's own independent context of
execution that can communicate with other parties (agents) and can
affect on environment if any (like ant).

So it would be nice to have this in language core/library.

There is erlang that already satisfied all requirements (as far as i
know) of MAS language. So the question is does D need to take this
paradigm? - Or concentrate on its current paradigms? The only advatnage
ovder erlang i see is that D propose itself as embedded programming
language which erlang do not satisfy (am i right?).

So i need your feedback on the following:
(i) do you think that D needs to adsorb agent-programming paradigm

The language does not have to be changed to get that to work.

(ii) can it benefit D


comparing to other modern languages

IMO that is not a very important question. It is not a contest.

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