Am 20.12.2011, 20:45 Uhr, schrieb Trass3r <>:

On Tuesday, 20 December 2011 at 19:36:19 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
Nice of you to start some discussion on these flags. I use them myself (and a few others that seem to affect code size) in a 'tiny' target inside the D Makefile I use.
Currently it looks like this:

dmd <sources,directory,bin> -m32 -O -release -noboundscheck -L--strip-all -L-O1 -L-znodlopen -L-znorelro -L--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -L--relax -L--sort-common -L--gc-sections -L-lrt -L--as-needed strip <bin> -R .comment -R .note.ABI-tag -R .gnu.hash -R .gnu.version -R .jcr -R .got

That's not even funny, I know :D

How far down do you get in terms of size with this?

I've just installed 2.057 and there were changes that affect code size, so I'll test it once more:

Simple "Hello, world!"
    normal release build (64-bit):   604_156 bytes
    + in 32-bit                  :   490_033 bytes
    + strip-all                  :   250_008 bytes
    + all the other flags        :   147_256 bytes (-102_752 bytes, ~41%)
  gcc-Version 4.6.1 20110627 (gdc 0.30, using dmd 2.055)
    32-bit release, smallest     :   577_856 bytes

Small GUI application using gtk and cairo
    normal release build (32-bit): 5_832_735 bytes
    + strip-all                  : 2_519_124 bytes
    + all the other flags        : 2_243_240 bytes (-275_884 bytes, ~11%)
  gcc-Version 4.6.1 20110627 (gdc 0.30, using dmd 2.055)
    32-bit release, smallest     : 3_204_832 bytes

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