On Wednesday, 21 December 2011 at 07:30:45 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
And if they're classes and not managed by the GC nor in a struct which manages their lifetime, how are they going to be freed? Does the user have to explicitly free them themselves? How is that better than using a ref-counted struct?

Memory management should be the responsibility of the allocator and it shouldn't be limited only to a single policy of ref-counting which has many disadvantages.

And no, using reference semantics does _not_ require classes. A class is just the easiest way to get reference semantics. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best way. That depends on the context.

- Jonathan M Davis

I didn't use the word 'require' anywhere, but it is indeed by far the simplest and best way to define a ref-type. All I'm saying is that when travelling from NYC to Washington DC through China, you really should have good reasons to not use the direct route.

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