Ants AI Challenge sponsored by Google is now finished, 24 people have played 
this contest using D2:

The best D entry, by Minthos, with rank 439 (over about 8000 entries!):

Minthos D2 code:

Some low-level comments on Minthos code, about D, and not about game strategy 
or other high level things.

His code is:
> ...
> ...

My code is the one without those >.


pqueue.d module: sometimes more collections are needed.


Missed !in

> assert(!(hill in myAnts));


Missed foreach() and maybe more:

> struct pfNode{
>       Loc pos;
>       pfNode* prev;
>       float cost;
>       bool visited;
>       bool water;
> }
> ...
> pfNode[][] nodes = new pfNode[][](map.rows, map.cols);
> pfNode*[] openList;
> // initialize data structure
> for(int y = 0; y < map.rows; y++){
>     for(int x = 0; x < map.cols; x++){
>         nodes[y][x].water = map.water[y][x];
>         nodes[y][x].visited = false;
>         nodes[y][x].pos = Loc(y, x);
>         nodes[y][x].prev = null;
>     }
> }

This is a bit sad because of no named arguments yet in D (add braces as 

foreach (y; row; map)
    foreach (x, ref el; row)
        el = PfNode(/*pos*/ Loc(y, x), 
                    /*prev*/ null,
                    /*cost*/ el.cost,
                    /*visited*/ false,
                    /*water*/ map.water[y][x]);


It's usually better to think of pre/post increments as returning void, and 
avoid code like this (but there is _far_ worse C/D code around):

> lokeLars = path[index--];


Sad need(?) to use GC.disable:

> void main(string[] args) {
>       version(unittest) {
>               // We don't run the bot or wait for input in this case
>       } else {
>               GC.disable();
>               MyBot b = new MyBot();
>      = args[0];
>     ;
>       }
> }


Missed AA.byKey(), and required care to use "ref" to avoid bad bugs here:

> foreach(ref hill; map.myHills.keys){
>       if(engine.manhattan(ant.pos, hill) < 5){
>               goto ignore;
>       }
> }

Often a return or a named break/continue are better in D than that goto.


Improving switch to make it work on structs avoids such not nice code 
( ):

> struct Direction {
>       char key;
>       int row;
>       int col;
> }
> immutable Direction[4] AIM = [
>       {'n', -1, 0},
>       {'e', 0, 1},
>       {'s', 1, 0},
>       {'w', 0, -1}
> ];
> ...
> Direction directionLeft(Direction d){
>       for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
>               if(d == AIM[i]){
>                       return AIM[(i + 1) % 4];
>               }
>       }
>       assert(0);
> }
> Direction oppositeDirection(Direction d){
>       if(d == AIM[0]) return AIM[2];
>       if(d == AIM[1]) return AIM[3];
>       if(d == AIM[2]) return AIM[0];
>       if(d == AIM[3]) return AIM[1];
>       assert(0);
> }

I am thinking about something like:

Direction oppositeDirection(in Direction d) pure nothrow {
    final switch (d) {
        case AIM0: return AIM2;
        case AIM1: return AIM3;
        case AIM2: return AIM0;
        case AIM3: return AIM1;

Hopefully the "final switch" too becomes usable here if AIM array becomes an 
enum of 4 items.

But I can't even create an enum of structs, maybe I am doing something wrong:

import std.typecons;

// Error: need member function opCmp() for struct Foo to compare
struct Foo { int x, y; }

// Error: template std.typecons.Tuple!(int,"x",int,"y").Tuple.opCmp(R) if 
(isTuple!(R)) does not match any function template declaration
alias Tuple!(int,"x", int,"y") Foo;

// Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of Foo(1,1)
const struct Foo {
    int x, y;
    int opCmp(const ref Foo other) const pure nothrow {
        return 1;

enum MyE : Foo { A = Foo(1, 1),
                 B = Foo(2, 2),
                 C = Foo(3, 3) }

void main() {}


There's a bit of need of std.random.choice, as in Python:

> Direction randomDirection(){
>       return AIM[uniform(0, 3)];
> }

Using $ it becomes a bit better (and maybe removes a bug, because AIM length is 
4, while uniform on default doesn't return the right extrema):

Direction randomDirection() {
    return AIM[uniform(0, $)];

But with a choice() it becomes less bug-prone and more clear:

Direction randomDirection() nothrow {
        return choice(AIM);


> void clearArray(ref bool[][] a)
> {
>       for(int x = 0; x < cols; x++){
>               for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++){
>                       a[y][x] = false;
>               }
>       }
> }

Seems better:

void clearArray(bool[][] a) pure nothrow {
    foreach (row; a)
        a[] = false;

a is a headconst array, its size must not change inside clearArray().


There's some need for a fast boolean matrix data structure in Phobos:

> // unpermanent stuff
> bool[][] explored;
> bool[][] vision;
> bool[][] water;
> bool[][] land;
> float[][] threat;
> float[][] crowd;
> int[Loc] waypoints;
> int[Loc] staleWaypoints;
> Loc[] bestGuesses;



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