On 12/26/11 11:25 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter indeed just destroyed me over the phone: I conflated reference counting with copy-on-write. Essentially instead of defining a reference type that's garbage-collected, I defined a value type that has cow.

Which is not bad! Check out the quick fix at http://pastebin.com/HHw06qrc.

With that, cow is a sheer policy. With the magic of opDispatch it looks like we can define reference counted containers _and_ value containers - all in very little code.

The perspectives here are extremely exciting. The question remains how to best package this awesome array of options to maximize coherence. So we have:

1. "Basic" containers - reference semantics, using classic garbage collection

2. Reference counted containers - still reference semantics, using reference counting

3. COW containers - value semantics, using reference counting to make copying O(1).

How to we provide an Apple-style nice wrapping to all of the above?


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