On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 01:48:57 +0200, Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:

The moment NP by default is introduced is the moment all parameter names in all libraries are set in stone.

This is completely false. NP affects only those that "want" to use it, no one else. Again, no one.
It is just like inline asm.

Those names were mere implementation details prior to that point in time.
Having parameter names contribute to the interface means that all developers need to spend time thinking about the best possible names for their function parameters.

Then, what makes you so sure he won't do this?

What makes you so sure that if he does, he actually remembers to change the functionality too?

You are not making any sense here i am sorry.
Read the examples.

He doesn't need to remember, compiler does that for him but only for him :)

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