On 1/5/2012 8:49 AM, Manu wrote:
I also wonder if the D language provides some opportunities for optimisation
that aren't expressible in other languages,

There are some. One that is currently being exploited by the optimizer and back end is the existence of pure functions.

and therefore may not already have
an expression in the GCC back end... so I can imagine some of future
optimisations frequently discussed in this forum won't just magically appear
with GCC/LLVM maturity. I can't imagine Iain and co extending the GCC back end
to support some obscure D optimisations happening any time soon.


At some level I'd like to think people would accept the word of a seasoned game
engine dev who's genuinely interested in adopting the language for that sort of
work, but I completely understand those who are skeptical. ;)

I'm interested in hearing more. (The virtual thing can't change.)

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