a Wrote:

> > Would this tie SIMD support directly to x86/x86_64, or would it
> > possible to also support NEON on ARM (also 128 bit SIMD, see
> > http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0409g/index.html
> > ) ?
> > (Obviously not for DMD, but if the syntax wasn't directly tied to
> > x86/64, GDC and LDC could support this)
> > It seems like using a standard naming convention instead of directly
> > referencing instructions could let the underlying SIMD instructions
> > vary across platforms, but I don't know enough about the technologies
> > to say whether NEON's capabilities match SSE closely enough that they
> > could be handled the same way.
> For NEON you would need at least a function with a signature:
> __v128 simdop(operator, __v128 op1, __v128 op2,  __v128 op3);
> since many NEON instructions operate on three registers.  

Disregard that, I wasn't paying atention to the return type. What Walter 
proposed can already handle three operand NEON instructions. 

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