On 1/7/2012 4:40 AM, Manu wrote:
On 7 January 2012 08:40, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:

If by 'better' languages, you mean D, then I completely disagree. D
*NEEDS* an IDE, just like all the rest... and in my opinion, even more
so... here are some reasons I find it so annoying there isn't a quality
VS integration for D (yet):

My job is primarily C++ Windows programming and I use Visual Studio. I think I agree with everything you said. In my case, I think of development tools as consisting of three components: (1) the language (2) the library/libraries including GUI, and (3) development environment, which includes debugger, IDE, etc. So even if the language is wonderful by itself, it's still not everything, and the total package may be less attractive than some other. I casually follow D progress because, besides just looking like a fun language to use, it seems to have all the elements that make a good language. But as you say, some things outside the language aren't quite there.

I use C# for small-to-medium, internal tools that have a GUI. It's great for that because of the IDE integration and also the .NET framework. The integration/intellisense is better for C# than C++. The biggest negative in the language is the lack of deterministic destruction, and that's one reason I'd favor D. (Also, having to get the .NET framework installed on users' systems is not so great, but not an issue just for internal tools. ) But the pros of IDE integration and .NET framework are greater to me than D language advantage. Visual D is helpful....but then there's the GUI library....

Not to get too far off topic, I'm the only one where I work who will use C#. I think some people simply hate Microsoft the company so much that they would not even fire up C# and try it once. They won't be caught liking it. And that's seems to be the case where I work as far as I can tell. Maybe D would be more well received than C# by such people if it integrated better with VS, I don't know. But there is always the issue with less widely used languages: if I write our company's main product in D, and if we then need to hire more people, I need to tell my boss we need to hire people that know D (or are at least willing and able pick it up) which are not as common. If anything at all goes wrong with D that wouldn't have gone wrong had we used C++, it's on me. No one ever got fired for buying IBM, lol. Sorry, I know we need to battle past that but I can't help mentioning it.

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