Am 16.01.2012, 08:25 Uhr, schrieb Manu <>:

On 16 January 2012 02:37, Jonathan M Davis <> wrote:

On Monday, January 16, 2012 02:16:03 Manu wrote:
> > As for
> >
> > version(linux || OSX)
> >
> > you can use
> >
> > version(Posix)
> >
> > It'll include FreeBSD as well, but then again, if something is common
> > both
> > linux and OSX, then it's almost certainly in FreeBSD as well.
> Fair enough, although this is just an example.
> In my current case, linux and MinGW are the same, but FreeBSD is
> You can't rely on predefined unions.

True. I'm just saying that in the case of

version(linux || OSX)

there is a good alternative. Personally, I would have thought that using && and || would be permitted, but it's not. But again, I'd have to dig through
the archive to see what exactly Walter's arguments were except that he
definitely thought that allowing && and || would lead to worse code. It
probably relates to him not wanting to allow !, which I _do_ understand and
agree with. Something like

else version(Windows)
       static assert(0, "Unsupported OS");

will catch bugs and save you trouble in comparison to


Yes, right now. Everything that isn't Posix may be Windows, but that won't
necessarily always be true. So, when it comes to versioning, code should
definitely be versioned on what it _is_ rather than what it _isn't_. But
doesn't preclude having && and ||. It's just an argument for disallowing !.
And as you can see by my example, you can essentially _already_ do !
thanks to

The list of version isn't limited to platforms though, not even close.
There are a bunches of concepts in the list. Including OPTIONAL hardware
features, which probably make he && operator a requirement in addition to

I would like to write:

void main() {
    version(!unittest) {

This is a case where the trait you check for is so specific that checking for the negation has a clear benefit. I agree with your opinion on OS versions, which are more like an enum, where you go through it like a switch-case.

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