On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 02:49:33 -0500, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:

The limitations of the current std.process are getting to be a big pain in
my ass for script-style programs. Last I heard, the new std.process was
blocked by "issues with the DMC runtime prevent it from working on Windows".

What's up with that? Any news or any specifics? And more hopefully: Any
workarounds to the windows issue so I could at least grab it and use it

I had a pull request into dmc, Walter said that he would merge it after this past release of dmd. I did not see any emails, but looking at dmc, it looks like it's updated! Don't know why I missed that email, maybe I glossed over it...

But here's the kicker :) Building DMC is impossible (partly because its closed source, and partly because it requires obscure tools you can no longer obtain).

So we still have to wait for a release of DMC (or for D's version of snn.lib to be updated to include the fix).

Specifically, the issue is with pipes and EOF. Since everything in D uses FILE *, so does the new std.process (not the best choice IMO, but we have no choices in this (yet) ). But DMC's FILE * treats an EPIPE error as a EBADF, meaning the FILE* sets its error flag vs the EOF flag.

This means for instance, if you piped off a process to transform a file, and read it's stdout to completion, std.stdio.File would throw an exception.

The fix checks for the specific error and translates it to EOF. It's somewhat of a hack, but it works.

If you are interested, I have a patched snn.lib with the fix in place if you want to try out the new version of std.process. Send me an email.


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