I somewhat rarely use version anymore. I used
to use it for different client customizations
to my app, but you can't turn features on and
off in a a central file like that, since the
version= doesn't affect other modules.

I switched for a while to static if like this:

 enum feature_x = true;
 enum feature_x = false;

== other file ==

static if(feature_x)
  void feature_x_impl() {}

But, now, I have a way of doing it without
version, and it's even better.

module app.config;
enum feature_x = true;

module app.config;
enum feature_x = false;

Real file:
import app.config;

static if(feature_x)
 // implement

Then, I pick the desired version just by picking
the file on the command line.

dmd app.d client_a_config.d # build client A's version
dmd app.d client_b_config.d # build client B's version

So, there's no version stuff in there at all... I now
think version is *almost* useless. Could probably use
this for operating system versions too, putting the
common components in a shared file.

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