> So college wasn't all that bad to me. They still need to change the 
> funding model here in the states though.  That shit is broken as fuck. 
> For some people, namely those that are talented and have good 
> self-motivation, it may very well be worth their while to skip that 
> mess.  Probably doesn't work for physics though; it can be hard to do 
> experimental physics on your own ;)
> Also, the D newsgroup is probably better at teaching
> programming than college.  Hmmmmm.  ;)

 I have refused to go to college if I can't pay for it upfront and easily, 
which was impossible. Right now I have an option to go leaving me without a 
debt. There's courses I want to take to get me further into programming, yet 
the options are either difficult to impossible based on location, or what I 
really want isn't a specific offered course, without a lot of extra bloat to it 

 Now I'm wondering what I should take. Should I even bother getting a CS 
degree? Or does someone think another option would be better?

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