On 01/22/2012 10:09 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 1/22/2012 4:40 AM, Marco Leise wrote:
Or is
this like spaces vs. tabs? 'Cause I'm also a tab user.

I struggled with that for years. Not with my own code, the tabs worked
fine. The trouble was when collaborating with other people, who insisted
on using tab stop settings that were the evil spawn of satan. Hence,
collaborated code was always a mess.

Like newklear combat toe to toe with the roosskies, the only way to win
is to not play.

The only way to win the whitespace war is to change the rules:

My I propose the following modifications to the D lexer:

White space may consist of:
- A comment between any two tokens.
- A single space between tokens that, if adjoined would be a single token.

All other white space (including \n \r \t \v, etc.) is forbidden and a lexical error.

With these additions, all valid D code will be so hard to read that nobody will ever attempt to read it without first running a re-formatter over it and once that is standard practice, everyone will see it in there own preferred style.

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