Jonathan M Davis:

> The lack of indexing for foreach and ranges is a bit of problem (not a huge 
> one but definitely an annoying one - it's one of the few reasons to still use 
> opApply instead of ranges). The obvious solution is to just have the compiler 
> provide a counter.
> ...
> Thoughts? Is there anything obvious (or non-obvious) that I'm missing here?

Time ago I have proposed this, I think this is a tidier solution, that requires 
no compiler changes:

(and then the front-end is free to recognize the usage of this Phobos range 
enumerate(), and optimize it much better).

Usage example (this also uses the tuple unpacking syntax):

foreach ((i, e); enumerate(range)) {
    // code that uses i and e

Until the tuple unpacking syntax is not present you use:

foreach (ie; enumerate(range)) {
    const i = ie[0];
    const e = ie[1];
    // code that uses i and e


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