Am 25.01.2012 22:33, schrieb Trass3r:
This is fairly interesting. MS have extended their C++ compiler
significantly for Windows8 with a bunch of non-standard stuff.

Yeah, while refusing to implement most of C++11.

To be fair, they did implement a big part of the library.

But I do share your opinion here. I hate the way that Microsoft
cherry picks the C and C++ standards, only implement the parts
that they feel like, while adding Windows specific extensions.

When the other vendors were busy making their compilers C++98
compliant, Microsoft was adding COM programming extensions.

Since 2002, the Visual C++ team has spent resources developing
Managed C++, C++/CLI and now C++/CX, besides the XBox backends and
C++ standard efforts.

How much more standards compliant wouldn't Visual C++ be, if Microsoft
would be more standards friendly. Still these are business decisions.


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