On 29/01/2012 19:26, Marco Leise wrote:
Then again "tabs for indentation only" is a simple rule, that would have turned 
the tabs
into spaces in this example - if editors supported it.

But when alignment spaces begin at the beginning of the line, or immediately after the indentation tabs, they can easily be mistaken by editors for indentation and changed to tabs. It depends on how intelligent the software is.

void qwert(int yuiop, string asdfg, immutable(int)[] hjkl,
           Object zxcvb)

Here, the lines of parameters are aligned. However, a naive editor might mistake the alignment spaces for indentation spaces and turn them into tabs.

void qwert(int yuiop, string asdfg, immutable(int)[] hjkl,
        Object zxcvb)

Here, there is a fixed indentation.

But one possibility for editors is to work on the principle that it's an indentation tab/run of spaces iff the syntactic structure ({}, control statements with a single statement as body, possibility [] used for array initialisers) dictates that there should be an indentation tab there. While not perfect, it would still IMO be better than the current mess many editors are in.


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