On 02/03/2012 01:21 AM, bearophile wrote:
Through Reddit I've found this good and long slides pack, it's about using Java 
data structures to increase memory efficiency of programs:


Despite the D situation is different (there are structs as in C#), it will be 
good to have weak and soft references in Phobos, and to have better memory 
analysis tools outside Phobos.

The slides have reminded me my desire of a column-oriented "struct array" in 
Phobos (some time ago someone has written a minimal version for D1).

The usage is simple:

import std.stdio, std.conv;

struct Foo { // an example struct
     int x;
     float y;
     string s;

     this(int xx, float yy) {
         x = xx;
         y = yy;
         s = text(x);

     float sum() {
         return x + y;

void main() {
     auto a1 = new Foo[1000]; // normal not parallel array
     foreach (ref Foo f; a1)
         writeln(f.s, " ", f.sum());

     // default usage example of ParallelArray
     // 3 Foo fields stored as 3 separated arrays inside a2
     ParallelArray!Foo a2; // valid
     static assert(a2[0].sizeof == size_t.sizeof * 4); // 3 pointers + 1 length
     a2.length = 1000;
     foreach (ref Foo f; a2) // A f Foo is built on the fly
         writeln(f, " ", f.sum());
     a2[10] = Foo(1, 2, "1");
     foreach (x; a2.x_array) // x_array is a property slice
     foreach (y; a2.y_array)
     foreach (s; a2.s_array)

     // specialized usage example of ParallelArray
     // x,y fields stored as an array, s field as another array
     ParallelArray!(Foo, "x y # s") a3; // valid
     static assert(a3[0].sizeof == size_t.sizeof * 3); // 2 pointers + 1 length
     a3.length = 1000;
     foreach (ref Foo f; a3) // A f Foo is built on the fly
         writeln(f, " ", f.sum());
     a3[10] = Foo(1, 2, "1");
     foreach (xy; a3.x_y_array)
         writeln(xy.x, " ", xy.y);
     foreach (s; a3.s_array)

     // float z0 = a3.x_y_array[10].sum(); // invalid code
     ParallelArray!(Foo, "x # y # s") a4; // valid code
     // ParallelArray!(Foo, "x y # s x") a5; // invalid, dupe field x
     // ParallelArray!(Foo, "x # y") a6; // invalid, s field missing
     // so if you give a string with the field names, you need to
     // list them all, and only once each. Other designs are possible
     // but this is the simplest to use and implement.

     float z1 = a3[10].sum(); // a3[10] returns a Foo

     // a3(10) doesn't create a Foo, it just fetches what
     // .sum() needs, so it's faster if you have to call .sum()
     // on many records.
     // so the calls to sum() are implemented at compile-time
     float z2 = a3(10).sum();

How would you implement such a thing? Introspection is not (yet) that powerful.

     // To keep design simple. ParallelArray can't create 2D arrays

Do you like?
I have several usages of such struct in my code.


I like it and I think it would be a valuable addition to Phobos, as well as a nice showcase for Ds templates and string mixins. You didn't specify what the type of eg. a3.x_y_array is, I think it should be Tuple!(int, "x", float, "y")[]. Furthermore, I'd rather have it named a3.x_y. There should also be a possibility to manually name the parts, as well as a way to specify 'anything that is left':

ParallelArray!(Foo, "pos: x y # rest: ...") pa;

static assert(is(typeof(pa.pos) == Tuple!(int, "x", float, "y")[]));

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