On Mon, 06 Feb 2012 21:18:21 -0500, Vladimir Panteleev <vladi...@thecybershadow.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 February 2012 at 02:02:22 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, February 07, 2012 02:54:40 Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Tuesday, 7 February 2012 at 01:47:12 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> At present, assumeSafeAppend isn't pure - nor is capacity or
> reserve. AFAIK, none of them access any global variables > aside
> from GC-related stuff (and new is already allowed in pure
> functions). All it would take to make them pure is to mark > the
> declarations for the C functions that they call pure (and > those
> functions aren't part of the public API) and then mark them > as
> pure. Is there any reason why this would be a _bad_ idea?
 pure void f(const(int)[] arr)
        debug /* bypass purity check to pretend assumeSafeAppend is pure
        arr ~= 42;
 void main()
        int[] arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
        assert(arr[4] == 4, "f has a side effect");

Except that assumeSafeAppend was misused. It's dangerous to use when you don't use it properly regardless of purity. By its very nature, it can screw stuff up.

When reviewing @safe or pure code, there is inevitably a list of language features that reviewers need to be aware of as bypassing the guarantees that said language features provide, for example assumeUnique, calling @trusted functions, or faux-pure functions which may lead to side effects. It's a question of how big do we want to let this list grow.

The situation where assumeSafeAppend may be misused due to a bug, but the source of the bug is "hidden out of sight" because it happens inside a pure function, is imaginable. Personally, I never use assumeSafeAppend often enough to justify a potential headache later on.

by the definition of assumeSafeAppend, using it, and then using data in the now 'unallocated' space results in undefined behavior. It should definitely not be marked @safe or @trusted, but pure should be ok.

You can also do this in a pure function without issue:

pure void crap(int *data) {*--data = 5;}

Which might or might not be valid, depending on the context.

@safe != pure, and at some point, even compiler guarantees cannot guarantee validity.

At the very least, however, reserve and capacity should be pure.


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