On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 10:47:01AM -0500, bearophile wrote:
> H. S. Teoh:
> > > bool isKaprekar(in long n) pure nothrow
> > > in {
> > >     assert(n > 0, "isKaprekar(n): n must be > 0");
> > >     assert(n <= uint.max, "isKaprekar(n): n must be <= uint.max");
> > > } body {
> > [...]
> > 
> > Shouldn't you just use "in ulong n" as parameter instead of long with a
> > contract?
> In this case the answer is probably positive.
> But in general it's better to accept a signed number and then refuse
> the negative values in the pre-condition, otherwise if you give by
> mistake a negative number to the function it's not caught.
> Such work-arounds are less needed in saner languages, where the ranges
> of integral values are verified, at compile time where possible, and
> at run-time otherwise. Unwanted wrap-arounds and undetected overflows
> in integral values are so '70 :-)

Hmph. I was under the impression that D was clever enough to be able to
detect overflow problems when dealing with signed->unsigned conversion.

The bad thing about taking signed long as parameter and then restrict it
to 0..uint.max means that you're unnecessarily constraining the domain
of the function.


Being able to learn is a great learning; being able to unlearn is a
greater learning.

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