On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 20:24:16 +0100, deadalnix <deadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

Le 18/02/2012 20:12, Martin Nowak a écrit :
Typed exception being used for local error recovery is about the same as
error codes but at a bigger expense. On the plus side exception can
carry more
specific error messages, which could be solved for error codes too.

The problem with error code is that you have to handle all problems, or none. A class hierarchy of exceptions allow you to handle some type of errors, and not some others.

At this point, I don't think we should think in terms of expansive or not. Exception, as it is named, are for exceptionnal cases. If not, you are probably using them the wrong way. And if it is exceptionnal, then it seems reasoanble to sacrifice some CPU cycles to handle things properly.

std.file.remove is a good example of how exceptions are used wrong.
It does not allow me to recover from an error, i.e. by changing the file attributes.
Using a cenforce like translator is a much better approach IMO.

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