Am 18.02.2012 18:10, schrieb Nick Sabalausky:
"James Miller"<>  wrote in message
I would like to add a few more points.
I exclusively use (g)vim text editing, why? Because it means I can jump on
a console, SSH into a server, and it will probably have vim, or atleast

I've heard a lot of people say that about vi(m), but in my (admittedly
somewhat limited) experience, I've never come across a (Li|U)n[ui]x system
that didn't have nano or pico (neither of which are great, but they're good
enough for editing Unix configuration files, and I'm actually capable of
using them, unlike emacs or vim).

But I prefer to do it like this: SSH into a server, but then also connect
via SSHFS (SSHFS is fucking *awesome*!). That way, no matter the server, I
can use *any* editor I want: kate, gedit, whatever.

If I'm using a server that doesn't already have ssh set up (for instance, if
I'm actually setting up ssh) *then* I'll either use nano/pico or, if I can,
I'll install mcedit which is the closest I've seen to what I would consider
a nice text-mode editor.

Well, it's been a while, but in a previous life many moons ago (2000-2003), most of customers at the company I worked for, had plain instalations of Solaris and HP-UX with only vi (not vim) and ed available.

Oh, and the shells were the original sh or zsh without any of the GNU/BSD nice extensions.


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