Well, since keys would be string, you can define them at the base class. So, FileException can define a few detail names that you know are used in its derived classes. And so, Exception can define detail names that are standard for all classes.

So it would look like:

class FileException {
    static immutable details_filename = "filename";
    static immutable details_ispipe = "ispipe";

class Exception {
    static immutable details_transient = "transient";
    static immutable details_i18n_name = "i18n_name";

So, you *know* that a portion of the tree supports certain details in the associative array, when you type the dot after the exception class name in an IDE with autocomplete, (or ctrl-N in Vim with the definition open ;-) ). And you can document with ddoc those static variables. So the example would be now:

For instance:

 catch (Exception ex) {
     if (Exception.details_i18n_name in ex.details) {
     if (FileException.details_filename in ex.details) {
         log("This file is trouble: "
             ~ ex.details[FileException.details_filename]);
     if (Exception.details_transient in ex.details) {

On Sunday, 19 February 2012 at 14:54:29 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-02-19 13:27, Juan Manuel Cabo wrote:
How about adding a string[string] or a variant[string] to the Exception class, so one can know details about the subclassed exception without
downcasting? How ugly would that be?

For instance:

catch (Exception ex) {
if ("transient" in ex.details) {
if ("i18n_code" in ex.details) {

Details can be standard by convention or otherwise custom.
(I can see that this can lead to messy proliferation of details, but at
least solves most of the issues).

How would you know which keys are available in "ex.details", documentation?

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