Am Mon, 20 Feb 2012 15:28:33 -0200
schrieb Jose Armando Garcia <>:

> I have been thinking of making a module for i18n model after gettext
> but taking advantage of D's language features. Is there some interest
> in this?

Yep we need this. I also thought about developing an i18n module maybe
we can work together on one. I won't have time for it the next 3
weeks though.
Anyway, I think we should base our i18n module on boost.locale
but boost.locale is pretty big, we should probably start with the
translation part only:

The API is quite good imho. It'll need some changes to fit D better,
but I think this could become a nice D style API.

Boost.locale uses the gettext format internally which is important.
This way we can use all the gettext tools & websites and the translator
community (

BTW: I already have code to read the gettext format, so that could be
> Thanks,
> -Jose

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