On 2/21/12 1:17 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:57:20 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 2/21/12 10:50 AM, Juan Manuel Cabo wrote:
I thought that an alternative to Variant[string] would be to have some
virtual functions overrideable (getExceptionData(string dataName) or
something). but they would all have to return Object or Variant, so it's
the same thing.
Exactly. By and large, I think in the fire of the debate too many people
in this thread have forgotten to apply a simple OO design principle:
push policy up and implementation down. Any good primitive pushed up the
exception hierarchy is a huge win, and any design that advocates
reliance on concrete types is admitting defeat.

Exceptions do _not_ lend themselves to polymorphism. Having them in a type
hierarchy is useful. It allows you to deal with them at varying levels of
abstractions. But ultimately, you deal with the concrete types, _not_ an
abstract interface. In that sense, they're not OO _at all_.

Well this is just a series of assertions that conveys no information.

Adding a Variant[string] property to allow adding on additional information if
a particular application finds it useful may be a good thing to do. But it
should be an _add on_, not the core design.

Again, just an assertion.

Aside from printing strings,
trying to deal with exceptions generically just does not make sense.


At best,
you might care about a common exception rather than a more specific one in
particular case (e.g. catching IOException rather than FileException). But if
you're trying to actually handle the exception in any real way rather than
just print out a message, you need the concrete type, not an abstract


I think that you're pushing the OO angle too hard onto exceptions.

I thought I was pushing the generics angle, and OO people explained it to me that that was wrong.

They're not
completely separated from it, but they really aren't classic OO and shouldn't
be treated as such. If anything, they're inverted, because you frequently try
and deal with as concrete a type as possible rather than as abstract a type as
possible. The hierarchy aspect is really the only truly OO aspect of
exceptions IMHO. For the most part, polymorphism just doesn't enter into it.
And Exception really already declares the few functions where it does.

I'm sorry, I was unable to derive information from this post. It's a string of assertion without any backing.


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