On 2012-02-22 19:39, Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2012-02-22 17:32:14 +0000, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> said:

On 2012-02-22 13:53, Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2012-02-22 07:41:21 +0000, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> said:

void foo (T) () {}
void main ()

$ dmd -inline -O -release main.d
$ nm main | grep foo

00000001000012b8 T _D4main10__T3fooTaZ3fooFZv
00000001000012b0 T _D4main10__T3fooTiZ3fooFZv

Outputs two symbols as expected, one for each instantiation.

That's expected indeed.

This doesn't mean the inliner will not inline the templates. In fact, if
you correct the example and look at the assembler output you'll see it
will (in your example there is nothing to inline since you're just
instantiating the template without calling it).

What doesn't happen is stripping the unreferenced symbols from the
executable. On OS X, try adding "-L-dead_strip" to DMD's argument to
instruct the linker to do so.

1. The example is correct, you can call a method without parentheses

Ah, seems I forgot this.

2. Adding -L-dead_strip does not seem to strip the "foo" symbols
3. Adding -L-dead_strip causes a segmentation fault with this example
(DMD 2.057)

import std.stdio;

void foo (T) () { writeln("asd"); }
void main ()

I'm still on v2.055. And I can confirm -L-dead_strip worked for me, but
I did a change similar to yours so the template was calling printf (that
makes it easier to see if it was inlined when looking at the assembly).
Everything worked as expected with printf. Calling writeln, which is a
template itself, which could be inlined into foo, could cause foo to not
be inlined, although it doesn't explain the segfault.

I'm starting to suspect the empty version of foo doesn't get inlined for
some reason.

4. I thought the reason for the big executable using the Objective-C/D
bridge was due to all these template symbols.

I might have been, but I'd be surprised I didn't try striping the
executable to fix the problem.

In the end, mostly all the instantiated code has to be there for the
virtual tables. There's almost one instanciation per method, and that is
a lot of bloat. Whether the template instanciation is inlined or not
just changes under which symbol the code resides, the code doesn't
magically disappear, it still has to be there somewhere.

Yes, exactly.

/Jacob Carlborg

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