On 28.02.2012 22:46, Martin Nowak wrote:
On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 08:59:21 +0100, Andrei Alexandrescu
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

I'm starting a new thread on this because I think the matter is of
strategic importance.

We all felt for a long time that there's a lot of potential in CTFE,
and potential applications have been discussed more than a few times,
ranging from formatting strings parsed to DSLs and parser generators.

Such feats are now approaching fruition because a number of factors

* Dmitry Olshansky's regex library (now in Phobos) generates efficient
D code straight from regexen.

* The scope and quality of CTFE has improved enormously, making more
advanced uses possible and even relatively easy (thanks Don!)

* Hisayuki Mima implemented a parser generator in only 3000 lines of
code (sadly, no comments or documentation yet :o))

* With the occasion of that announcement we also find out Philippe
Sigaud has already a competing design and implementation of a parser

This is the kind of stuff I've had an eye on for the longest time. I'm
saying it's of strategic importance because CTFE technology, though
not new and already available with some languages, has unique powers
when combined with other features of D. With CTFE we get to do things
that are quite literally impossible to do in other languages.

We need to have a easy-to-use, complete, seamless, and efficient
lexer-parser generator combo in Phobos, pronto. The lexer itself could
use a character-level PEG or a classic automaton, and emit tokens for
consumption by a parser generator. The two should work in perfect
tandem (no need for glue code). At the end of the day, defining a
complete lexer+parser combo for a language should be just a few lines
longer than the textual representation of the grammar itself.

What do you all think? Let's get this project off the ground!

To be truly successful it should have some distinct properties like:
- being faster or identical to handwritten stuff we already have (like e.g. std.json ), reminds us of recent INI parser proposal, should be an easy pick for general parser. - be flexible, the result need not be a predefined AST tree nodes, Hisayuki Mima's parser shows some nice movement in this direction - have reasonable compile times and memory consumption (though it will only improve over time)

Recalling EBNF parser idea that I run with before finally being dragged down by real life. Roughly I thought to follow hybrid LL(*) aproach, while I had a solid plan on doing DFA for lexer and parser lookahead, the other things were more or less floating.



I wrote a generic lexer generator some time ago.
It already let to some compiler O(N^2) optimizations, because the token
declarations sneak into the mangling :(.
I also finally added a workaround for a remaining CTFE bug (#6815).

https://gist.github.com/1255439 - lexer generator

Cool stuff.

https://gist.github.com/1262321 - complete and fast D lexer

I've ditched an attempt to write a parser combinator. It was based on
expression templates and ended up at spirit craziness.

The hassle of providing good error messages and synthesizing parse results
in a generic parser outweigh the benefit of a declarative grammar.

Error reporting is the weak spot, still no good ideas on solving that.

A lot becomes feasible from the CTFE perspective,
despite some bugfixes I only miss exp and log currently.

Reminds me that I have to dig up a wonderful CTFE bug in std.regex that's being somehow worked around by duping arrays since August.

I do not agree that it's the right moment to write a parser though.
It hits the first of phobos two biggest shortcomings, the lack of a good
system and the missing Allocators.
Any parser written now will either risk to not play nice with ranges
or has to come up with it's own buffering again.

All good points. There is prototype of interactive regex matcher that works directly on stream (buried in std.regex), it even passed dry-run unittests back then. Though I had to postpone till I/O is sorted out. I really loved Steven's design with it's easy access to buffer and well thought out primitives, hope it will come about sometime soon.

Dmitry Olshansky

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