On Thu, 01 Mar 2012 06:26:28 +0100, Bernard Helyer <b.hel...@gmail.com> wrote:

So as near as I can tell, it's trying to say

"On non-Windows platforms, both extern (C) and extern (D) match the calling convention of the platforms C compiler. On Windows, the extern (D) calling convention differs, and is documented below:"

Is this accurate?

If so, there's is no way I am wasting my time with the D calling convention. I'm not wrangling LLVM into producing DM OMF, so binary compatibility isn't going to happen anyway.

If not, then I have no idea.

For x86-32 dmd uses a fastcall, where EAX can contain a parameter, for Windows AND all other supported OSes. This is different from cdecl where parameters are always passed on the stack.

For x86-64 D follows the SysV AMD64 ABI, don't know about Windows.

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