On 2 March 2012 09:47, Marco Leise <marco.le...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 01.03.2012, 21:26 Uhr, schrieb Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com>:
>  On 2012-03-01 15:40, Marco Leise wrote:
>>> Since everyone loves polls, and the question comes up now and then: What
>>> is your main development platform for D ?
>>> http://www.easypolls.net/poll.**html?p=**4f4f7d25c2e1b0e40b0ac494<http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=4f4f7d25c2e1b0e40b0ac494>
>> Why bundle Linux and FreeBSD in one option?
> I considered the two 'similar enough' from a point of view of architecture
> and organization to merge them (aka Unix-like). I admit, that I never used
> FreeBSD though.
> Anyway the numbers nicely show, that neither Windows nor
> Linux(-compatible) are underrepresented in the D community. My personal
> opinion is that the number of Windows users is actually low, considering
> its market share and other surveys like this: http://redmonk.com/sogrady/*
> *2010/10/27/developer-os-**preferences/<http://redmonk.com/sogrady/2010/10/27/developer-os-preferences/>

But we knew that already, because most of the D devs are linux guys, and D
does not present a good experience to Windows users. I can personally point
to numerous friends/colleagues who tried out D and turned away within a few
hours because the Windows experience was so weak.
Windows support should be prioritised BECAUSE Windows numbers are low, not
because there's perceived to be no demand on that platform.

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