I understand that this has been mentioned before but I think that it is important so I am going to bring it up again.

I have been looking at the docs on dlang and d-programming-language.org and was wondering which is the "preferred" website. I have seen dlang.org on the fourms most of the time but d-programming-language.org has a higher SOE ranking. (I always find it with google) Also, the searchbar at the top of dlang.org searched d-programming-language.org.

AFAIK they are mirrors of each other, would it be best to make one a redirect (smart, on a per-page level). This will help things such as consistency in documentation, and quite importantly SEO. For documentation it is important to have a domain that will be around for a long time, with the two domains it appears that one will drop dead eventually. I think redirects increase SEO but the extra traffic will definitely help. Also that search-bar that always points to d-programming-language.org is probably helping it's ranking.


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