On 05/03/2012 13:49, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 09:02:47 -0500, Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:
inout means 'some qualifier but we don't know which one'. The call site on the 
hand knows which qualifier it is. If the call is made to work there is no 
'making it
mutable', because it is mutable all the time. The inout function cannot change 
the data
because it cannot know what the constancy is.

What you would propose is that a delegate which takes a const/mutable/immutable 
translates to one which takes an inout. I agree it can be made to work, but it 
does not
fit into the current definition of inout.

I'm not sure if you understand correctly. Is isn't a matter of implicit conversion of delegates from one type to another, but a matter of (in this case) opApply accepting a delegate with a parameter whose constancy matches that of this.

You can think of a function signature with an inout parameter as being really a union of three function signatures.

    inout(T)[] func(inout(T)[] param)

is a union of

    T[] func(T[] param)
    immutable(T)[] func(immutable(T)[] param)
    const(T)[] func(const(T)[] param)

In the same way, the essence of what Timon and I are proposing is that we'd be able to make opApply's signature a union of

    void opApply(int delegate(ref T) dg)
    void opApply(int delegate(ref immutable(T)) dg) immutable
    void opApply(int delegate(ref const(T)) dg) const

or, to generalise a bit, declare a function whose signature is a union of

    void func(ref T param, int delegate(ref T) dg)
    void func(ref immutable(T) param, int delegate(ref immutable(T)) dg)
    void func(ref const(T) param, int delegate(ref const(T)) dg)

or similarly with pointer or array parameters.

It would be ideal for inout to solve this, but it's not chartered in such a way 
to do so.

If I'm not mistaken, inout isn't chartered to do anything particular when it occurs in a function signature nested within another. The spec just leaves it ambiguous.

It's currently transitive, and this would break transitivity. If we want to 
look at
fundamentally redefining inout so that it can break transitivity, then we can 
look at
that. But I don't think this is a simple "add-on" to the current functionality.

Can you give an example of how it breaks transitivity?


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