On Thursday, 8 March 2012 at 16:43:25 UTC, zeljkog wrote:
import std.stdio;

struct Rar{
  int[] data = [1,3,5];
  int length = 3;
  ref int opIndex(int i){ return data[i];}

void main() {
  Rar x;
  foreach (e; x)

Error: invalid foreach aggregate x

Is'nt Rar valid random access range?

struct N(T){
        T[] arr;
        this(T[] other){ arr = other; }
        this(N other){ arr = other.arr; }

        // The declarations below are required
        // The @property tag is also required
        ref T opIndex(size_t i){ return arr[i]; }
        @property size_t length(){ return arr.length; }
        @property ref T front(){ return arr.front; }
        @property ref T back(){ return arr.back; }
        void popFront(){ arr.popFront(); }
        void popBack(){ arr.popBack(); }
        @property bool empty(){ return arr.empty; }
        @property N save(){ return N(arr); }

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