Le 08/03/2012 12:55, Steven Schveighoffer a écrit :
On Wed, 07 Mar 2012 21:14:34 -0500, Ary Manzana <a...@esperanto.org.ar>

The problem is not mistaking it with something else. The problem is
when you want to write it. In Ruby my mind works like this:

Mind: "How would I get a span for 5 seconds?"
Mind: "Let's try 5.seconds"
Mind: "Wow, it works!"

I'm trying to remember cases when I just wrote what my mind thought it
was correct and I was *so* surprised it worked out of the box in Ruby.
Like writing array.last, and get it to work, instead of
array[array.length - 1]. But in D, from the docs
(http://dlang.org/arrays.html )

bar[$-1] // retrieves last element of the array

I read: bar dollar minus one wait what??



This is the issue with "intuition". It's easy to say, "hey I guessed
right in Ruby! Ruby must be more intuitive!". But if you were someone
who knew the range interfaces, wouldn't you try array.back in Ruby and
say "well, obviously D is more intuitive, it knew what I wanted without
even looking up the docs!"

You are never going to come up with something that's *perfectly*
intuitive for everyone in every situation.

Now, in D I try:


and it doesn't work. I have to write this very unintuitive:


Was it really necessary to implement it that way?

No, nothing is ever necessary to implement a certain way. But there are
practical concerns. For example, assuming UFCS worked in D, you *could*
possibly do 5.seconds. However, this means you need a module-level

Duration seconds(long n) {...}

But the way D's overload resolution works, this precludes having
5.seconds work, and also having a member named 'seconds' in your

The nice thing about dur!"seconds" is that only one module-level symbol
is introduced (dur), and it's unlikely to conflict with local symbols

It may not be as intuitive, but it's certainly readable, and not too
verbose to type.


the shorter the symbol, the higher the probability of collision. This is math. Definitively an argument in favor of not abbreviating.

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