On 9 March 2012 22:39, Manfred Nowak <svv1...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Manu wrote:
> > By contrast, multiple return values are quite the opposite. They
> > are explicitly NON-STRUCTURED.
> > The presumption in this case is that multiple resturn
> > values would follow the exact same set of rules as passing
> > multiple args TO a function, but in reverse.
> this seams to state a contradiction, because one cannot use the
> "multiple return values" as actual parameters for any call of a
> function.
> Furthermore it is not defined how the formal parameters of a function
> are to be declared, if they are assumed to receive "multiple return
> values" as actual arguments. If those actual parameters are indeed NON-
> STRUCTURED how can one define them or even mix them with STRUCTURED
> actual parameters?

I'm just talking about the ABI for returning multiple values, not chaining
a multiple return into a secondary call (I think this is what you are
A multiple return should use precisely the same register/stack assignment
as when passing args in to a function. Just that the process is in reverse.

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