On 2012-03-12 19:41, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
I stopped writing inline unit tests in larger code bases. If I do that,
I have to maintain a separate build configuration just for test
execution, which is not practical. Furthermore, I want to test my code
in debug and release mode, which... goes against having a test

I don't inline my unit test either.

So, I've ended up moving all unit tests to a separate executable that
links in all my libraries and runs their tests in debug/release mode.
Works much better.

I don't feel that unittest in D was really thought through properly for
large projects targeting actual end users...

I agree. I've also started to do more high level testing of some of my command line tools using Cucumber and Aruba. But these test are written in Ruby because of Cucumber and Aruba.


/Jacob Carlborg

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