On 14.03.2012 0:54, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 11:27:57PM +0400, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
For a couple of releases we have a new revamped std.regex, that as
far as I'm concerned works nicely, thanks to my GSOC commitment last
summer. Yet there was certain dark trend around std.regex/std.regexp
as both had severe bugs, missing documentation and what not, enough
to consider them unusable or dismiss prematurely.

It's about time to break this gloomy aura, and show that std.regex
is actually easy to use, that it does the thing and has some nice

Link: http://blackwhale.github.com/regular-expression.html

Comments are welcome from experts and newbies alike, in fact it
should encourage people to try out a few tricks ;)

Yay! Updated docs is always a good thing. I'd like to do some
copy-editing to make it nicer to read. (Hope you don't mind my extensive
revisions, I'm trying to make the docs as professional as possible.)
My revisions are in straight text under the quoted sections, and inline
comments are enclosed in [].

Thanks, I'm concerned with "make it nicer to read" part ;)

[... a bunch of good stuff to work through  later on ...]

Dmitry Olshansky

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