On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 02:31:47 UTC, Xinok wrote:
On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 02:18:27 UTC, Kevin wrote:
This is in no way D specific but say you have two constant strings.

const char[] a = "1234567890";
// and
const char[] b = "67890";

You could lay out the memory inside of one another. IE: if a.ptr = 1 then b.ptr = 6. I'm not sure if this has been done and I don't think it would apply very often but it would be kinda cool.

I thought of this because I wanted to pre-generate hex-representations of some numbers I realized I could use half the memory if I nested them. (At least I think it would be half).


I'm pretty sure this is called string pooling.

My understanding is that string pooling just shares whole strings rather than combining suffixes.

const char[] a = "fubar";
const char[] b = "fubar"; // shared
const char[] c = "bar"; // not shared at all

Combining suffixes is obviously possible, but I'm not sure that string pooling implies suffix pooling.

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