On 16/03/2012 02:28, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"James Miller"<ja...@aatch.net>  wrote in message

I hate the fact that Flash games are created the way they are. For
one, it's impenetrable to try and learn properly, I had so much
trouble figuring out how to do things properly, you can attach scripts
to almost any object, but sometimes it might be shared over all of the
same objects, and other times only on that instance, depending on how
you've placed them on the canvas.

I probably wrote some terrible code when I started making Flash games,
and now Actionscript is so foreign to me that i can barely understand
where to start.

One thing I learned though, is that if you're going to make something in
Flash, your best bet is to use as *little* of what Adobe provides as

You're being rather unfair to Adobe. It was Macromedia that where the original perpetrators of flash; Adobe brought Macromedia in 2005. I guessing that they only brought Macromedia for the market share rather than because they thought flash was actually any good.

I suffered through a module of Flash/Director around 1999. Action script was fecking awful but Director actually wasn't that bad. It was pretty easy to do some neat things so it was easy to see why it was so popular with *web devs* and mouth breathing marketing types.

My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.

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