Am 17.03.2012 23:53, schrieb Manu:
I just started writing an emulator in D for some fun; I needed an
application to case-study aggressive performance characteristics in
hot-loop situations.
I know this has come up time and time again, but I just want to put it
out there again... if I were shipping this product, I would NEED
forceinline + force-not-inline.

I know D likes to try and intelligently inline code, but in these very
high performance cases, I know what's best for my code, and I have also
shipped this product commercially before. I know exactly what was
required of it from months of meticulous performance profiling, and I
can see immediately that D is not making the right choices. Programmers
need to be able to explicitly control to inline-ing in many cases.

Cross module inline-ing is a really big problem. What is the plan here?
Is there a solution in the foreseeable future? What about libs?

Currently I use string mixins to force inlining - but that's uggly

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