Manu wrote:
I mean it can't possibly know the complete 'final' class hierarchy, ie, the big picture. Anything anywhere could extend it. The codegen must assume

I still don't understand why you think this. The compiler must understand the full hierarchy it's compiling, and like I said before, there are very distinct rules as to what should get virtualed across a lib boundary.

Are you saying someone might accidentally override something that's not virtual? That's what 'override' is for. If a method is final, it is a compile error to override in any way, you either need to make the base virtual, or explicitly 'override' on the spot if you want to do that.

I was saying that I see how:

    class Base { // author: Bob
        void commonNamedMethod() {}

    // ~~~~~

    class Foo : Base { // author: Steve
        // didn't look at base class, before writing:
        void commonNamedMethod() {}
        // therefor didn't realize he overwrote it

is a valid concern of having things default to virtual. I just don't think it would happen often, but I've been known to be wrong.

The virtual methods are the exception, not the common case.

I don't thinks it's so black and white, and that's why I like having the compiler make the optimization. I think marking (public) methods you know for sure who's functionality you don't want overwritten is often a smaller case than methods who's functionality could *potentially* be overwritten. By letting the compiler optimize un-overwritten methods, you're giving the Class users more freedom over the grey areas without sacrificing performances.

However, I also think the level of freedom is largely dependent on the situation. Given the fact that you write highly optimized and tightly controlled core game engine code, I can see why your perspective leans towards control.

Given this specialization unbalance, I think that both virtual and final should be available.

Explicit virtual even gives a nice informative cue to
the programmer just how they are supposed to work with/extend something. You can clearly see what can/should to be extended.

This is a good argument. If nothing else, I think there should be a way for Class authors to specify (in a way code-completion can understand) a method attribute which marks a it as being designed to be overwritten.

I sincerely fear finding myself false-virtual hunting on build night until 2am trying to get the game to hold its frame rate (I already do this in C++, but at least you can grep for and validate them!). Or cutting content because we didn't take the time required to manually scan for false
virtuals that could have given us more frame time.

I think tool that maps hierarchy (showing override) would be best.
like: dmd -hierarchy"map.txt"

You're welcome to it, but granted that, I have an additional fear that someone with your opinion is capable of writing classes in libs that I might really like to use, but can't, because they are a severe performance

I would argue that any such performance critical libraries should be tightly "finalized" in the first place. I think you're assuming the compiler can't, in good faith, optimize out virtual functions. Whereas I'm assuming it can.

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