On 2012-03-19 01:54, Brian Palmer wrote:
I'm working on a DSL for generating SQL queries, based loosely on
Python's SQLAlchemy and Ruby's Sequel. One nice thing about the DSL is
the compact syntax for specifying WHERE clauses. With some fiddling, I
got it working for opEquals, a simplified example:

foreach(network; db["networks"].each) {
writefln("network: %s", network.name);
foreach(host; db["hosts"].where(db.c.id == network.id)) {
writefln("\thost: %s", host.address);

I've been playing with the exact same idea:

Foo.where(x => x.name == "foo");

Generates this SQL:

select foos.* from foos where foos.name = 'foo'

I was hoping this would work for the other operators as well.

/Jacob Carlborg

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