On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 22:16:18 -0400, Kevin <kevincox...@gmail.com> wrote:

This is in no way D specific but say you have two constant strings.

const char[] a = "1234567890";
// and
const char[] b = "67890";

You could lay out the memory inside of one another. IE: if a.ptr = 1 then b.ptr = 6. I'm not sure if this has been done and I don't think it would apply very often but it would be kinda cool.

I thought of this because I wanted to pre-generate hex-representations of some numbers I realized I could use half the memory if I nested them. (At least I think it would be half).

I have done this manually in the past. In an application that ran on a 8-bit micro with 256 bytes of RAM and 4K code space, I ran out of space and was able to save quite a bit by making one large string array with all the data, and then use pointer/length combinations out of that string array.

It seems like the compiler could do some work, but what about CTFE? I think this would be a cool project. But I'm not sure if CTFE can save state for later...

string poolString(string s)
   // look for s in existing pool, if found, return
   // otherwise, add to pool.


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