Le 19/03/2012 18:41, F i L a écrit :
deadalnix wrote:
It looks like a bad usage of inheritance. If you want to use these
methods, why not use composition ?

It make no sense to use such an inherited class in a polymorphic
context, so why use inheritance at all ?

Am I missing something about what you're saying? Having a final
class is completely different than locking up it's functions:

abstruct class Actor
void create() {}
void update() {}

class Ship : Actor
final void create() {}
final void update() {}
final void fire() {}

class MotherShip : Ship
final void fireMissle() {}

void main() {
Actor[] actors = [
new Ship();
new MotherShip();

foreach (actor; actors) {

If Ship was final simply because all it's methods where, then you
couldn't inherit it's functionality into MotherShip.

That is totally broken design. The fact that mothership inherit from ship is a pretty good example of misusing inheritance. The fireMissle is useless unless you KNOW that you are manipulating a MotherShip, so you totally break all the abstraction the OOP could provide.

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