"Adam D. Ruppe" <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> 2) Leaving the parenthesis off of simple template
> instantiations is something I was against early on,
> and now I love it.
> IIRC, you wanted to use a different symbol entirely,
> and leaving the parens off was a compromise between
> the radical Unicode character proposal and Walter's
> conservative parenthesis.
> This is a really small change. At the time, it seemed
> like it would be stupid and useless.

Yea, that's a good one. I seem to remember initally thinking that it felt 
sloppy, but I was otherwise relatively indifferent about it. But now I 
absolutely love it...sooo much.

> But, would templates be as popular now if we didn't
> make this change?
> auto a = to!(int)("10");
> vs
> auto a = to!int("10");


Ooh, nested functions and closures are another good one (or two). I get so 
much use of of those.

Speaking of, here's a good one (IMO): The syntax for delegate types (as 
opposed to C's crude function pointer syntax). A small change, but really 
helps open up the world of first-class functions, even just by itself.

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