On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 05:49:29 UTC, Juan Manuel Cabo wrote:

  Are you benchmarking the time of the whole program,
or of just that snippet? Is the big array out of scope
after the std.file.read() ? If so, try putting the benchmark
start and end inside the function, at the same scope
maybe inside that wcp_whole_file() function.

The empty loop measurement, which was the first benchmark, shows that the overhead of everything outside the measurement is only 1ms. What I'm measuring is a parallel foreach loop that calls the small functions on 10 files, with the default number of threadpool threads, which is 7 threads, based on the documentation in std.parallelism.

I'm not measuring until end of program or even the console output. It is all measured with the stopwatch timer, and around the parallel foreach loop.


So here is some surprise ... why is regex 136ms vs 34 ms hand code?

It's not surprising to me. I don't think that there
is a single regex engine in the world (I don't think even
the legendary Ken Thompson machine code engine) that can
surpass a hand coded:
     foreach(c; buffer) { lineCount += (c == '\n'); }
for line counting.

Well, ok, but I think the comments like below from the std.regex raise hopes of something approaching hand code.

" //create static regex at compile-time, contains fast native code
  enum ctr = ctRegex!(`^.*/([^/]+)/?$`);

I'll put the test code on github this weekend. I still want to try a few things that have been suggested.

on the chunk measurements ... I don't understand what is not "fair". In both measurements I processed the entire file.

On the use of larger files ... yes that will be interesting, but for these current measurements the file reads are only taking on the order of 30ms for 20MB, which tells me they are already either being cached by win7, or else by the ssd's cache.

I'll use the article instructions below and put the files being read into the cache prior to the test, so that the file read time should be small and consistent relative to the other buffer processing time inside the loops.



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