On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 02:39:35AM +0100, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> I thought I'd open this topic for discussion of issues with the new
> hash implementation.

Thanks for taking the time to test the code!

> Anyways, this doesn't seem to work:
> AA!(string,int[]) hash;
> D:\dev\projects\New-AA-implementation>rdmd
> -ID:\DMD\dmd2\src\druntime\src newAATest.d
> newAA.d(581): Error: template
> newAA.AA!(string,int[]).AssociativeArray.Slot.__ctor(K) if
> (keyCompat!(K)) cannot deduce template function from argument types
> !()(const(uint),const(immutable(char)[]),const(int[]),Slot*)
> newAA.d(581): Error: no constructor for Slot
> newAATest.d(33): Error: template instance newAA.AA!(string,int[])
> error instantiating
> Failed: "dmd" "-ID:\DMD\dmd2\src\druntime\src" "-v" "-o-" "newAATest.d" "-I."
> >Exit code: 1

Argh. Looks like it's caused by more const madness. :-( Try this diff:

diff --git a/newAA.d b/newAA.d
index a513b31..ac91e0c 100644
--- a/newAA.d
+++ b/newAA.d
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ public:
         return this;
-    @property auto dup() const @safe
+    @property auto dup() @safe
         AssociativeArray!(Key,Value) result;
         if (impl !is null)
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ public:
             result.impl = new Impl();
             result.impl.slots = alloc(findAllocSize(impl.nodes));
-            foreach (const(Slot)* slot; impl.slots)
+            foreach (Slot* slot; impl.slots)
                 while (slot)
@@ -946,6 +946,11 @@ unittest {
     assert(aa[key1] == 123);
+// Bug found by Andrej Mitrovic: can't instantiate AA!(string,int[]).
+unittest {
+    AA!(string,int[]) aa;
 // Issues 7512 & 7704
 unittest {
     AA!(dstring,int) aa;


This is just a rough hack that removes the const from dup(). I need to
look at it more carefully to figure out how to copy stuff over without
violating constness. :-(


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