
I'm currently studying at University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Slovakia and I'd like to participate in this year's GSoC. I'm especially interested in D as I'm currently using it for my projects (I'm the author of D:YAML - YAML parser/emitter library for D (https://github.com/kiith-sa/D-YAML)).

That said, I don't think I have required knowledge to handle any of the
projects at http://prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?GSOC_2012_Ideas .

At previous year's GSoC ideas page
I found the "Image Processing" idea, which I'd be interested in doing.

I encountered the lack of any good image library in D before
and I think the D community could benefit from such a library
(I even think it could be useful to have such a library in Phobos).

I'm mainly interested in loading/writing multiple image formats, but if required,
basic image processing could also be part of the project.

Is anyone here willing to mentor such a project?

Ferdinand Majerech

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