On Sun, 25 Mar 2012 18:36:08 -0400, Stewart Gordon <smjg_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm coming up against some interesting challenges while porting stuff in my utility library to D2.

Firstly, D2 uses opBinary and opOpAssign, rather than the operator-specific op* and op*Assign. While the latter still work, they aren't mentioned in the current D2 docs. Which would imply that they're on the way out; however, there's no mention at

(See also
http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7779 )

Still, it seems clear that opBinary/opOpAssign is the D2 way of doing it. But it has the drawback that, because it's a template, it isn't virtual. One way about it is to keep the D1-style op functions and make opUnary/opBinary/opOpAssign call these. But is there a better way?

I have definitely had issues with this. In dcollections, I have versions of opBinary commented out, because at the time of writing, templates weren't allowed in the D compiler. I filed this bug: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4174 Looks like it hasn't been closed yet...

So for now, I use the undocumented old-style functions. One other thing that this "wrapper" method loses is covariance, which I use a lot in dcollections. I haven't filed a bug on it, but there is at least a workaround on this one -- the template can capture the type of "this" from the call site as a template parameter.

The other isn't a D2-specific issue, though D2 increases the significance of it. I have a method with the signature

     Set opAnd(bool delegate(Element) dg)

I would like to enable a user of the library to pass in a delegate whose parameter is any type to which Element is implicitly convertible. This could be the same type as Element with the top-level constancy changed (probably the main use case), or a type that is distinct beyond the constancy level. Turning it into a template

     Set opAnd(E)(bool delegate(E) dg)

would address this, but prevent overriding with the appropriate code for each set implementation.

What I would do is this (assuming template interfaces worked):

Set opAnd(E)(bool delegate(E) dg) if(is(E == Element))
// call protected virtual opAnd equivalent which takes delegate of Element

Set opAnd(E)(bool delegate(E) dg) if(!is(E == Element) && implicitlyConvertsTo!(E, Element))
   bool _dg(Element e)
      return dg(e);
   // call protected virtual opAnd equivalent with &_dg

Note, with proper delegate implicit conversions, you could probably get some better optimization (including delegates that only differ by const) by checking if the delegate implicitly converts instead of the element.


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